Thursday, August 5, 2010

Concerned yet?

Of late I have taken more interest in the current course of our government. I have done some summer reading and came across a statement by Thomas Jefferson:
   "We shall all consider ourselves unauthorized to saddle posterity with our debts, and morally bound to pay them ourselves; and consequently within what may be deemed the period of a generation, or life of the majority." (Bergh, Writings of Thomas Jefferson, 13:358)"

I will say no more than to give just a few statistics that may help anyone with questions. 
1. The U.S. national debt is roughly $13,200,000,000.
2. The interest owed on our national debt in 2009 was $383,071,060,815.42 ( Due to a terrible economy interest rates have gone down so this years interest will be simulair to the last.
3. The projected deficit for 2011 is $1.3 trillion. What does that mean? A budget deficit would mean you spend more than you make. To illustrate pretend you are an average American making $60,000 a year. With everything you buy you end up spending $75,000 that year. Sound like that pretend you has some serious problems...? This isn't pretend to our government, it is reality and has been for a long time.

Does this begin to appear out of control? Or even sustainable? If you know anything about making and keeping a budget then you'll notice things have gone wrong and far from the wise words of advice from one of our great founding fathers.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Clearity Amongst Distortion

         We are at a period on our countries history in which there is a great deal of debate over the laws of illegal immigration. I have stated my feelings and opinions to several people, but feel I should write with all clarity my thoughts and their origination's. 
         I would like to start by discussing laws and their creation. Laws that are created in a democracy are, in general, for the good of the citizens of that country. For example, it is against the law to steal. Reasons for the creation of such a law include, but are not limited to, the protection of individuals’ properties, and maintaining greater safety and peace at large. With that being said, there are laws that regulate the flow of immigrants into our country. Why are they created and put in place? It is the attempt of our government to effectively regulate our economy, to not allow too many additional people which might overwhelm our system. This merely one of the attempts to allow legal residents to maintain their employment. Additionally the government receives taxes from documented immigrants and citizens to pay for things such as education, roads, and other costs. If a individual breaks any law it is at a cost to other citizens. So we can establish that our laws are created, in general, for the greater good of all citizens. We can also establish that those who break the laws are acting against the greater good, and selfishly put themselves above the law. 
        Let me walk us deeper down the pathway of laws. In the LDS church we believe deeply in laws and abiding them. In section 88 of the Doctrine and Covenants we receive revelation concerning this topic. Verse 34 states, “And again, verily I say unto you, that which is governed by law is also preserved by law and perfected and sanctified by the same.” It is clear and easy to deduct that when one follows a law or laws then they are preserved or protected by the law. If one chooses to immigrate legally then they are protected by our laws, they enjoy all the freedom and safety that comes from these laws and will not fear consequences of immigrating illegally because they abode the law. 
      We continue in verse 35 to see the what contrasts law abidance. “That which breaketh a law, and abideth not by law, but seeketh to abide in sin, and altogether abideth in sin, cannot be sanctified by law, neither by mercy, justice, nor judgement.” There is great clarity in setting forth the terms of law abidance. An individual follows the law and the law protects that person, they are safe from the consequences of breaking the law. Divergently if one chooses to break the law they are subject to the consequences, they are not protected by law, justice, judgement, or mercy because of their decision. 
      When I discuss this topic or see it discussed on the news there seems to be a great deal of groups and individuals using stories which they feel allot some sort of exception for breaking these laws. I even hear that it would be best to grant individuals breaking the immigration law citizenship. I have and give mercy, but how can it be logical or right to reward the breaking of a law with the exact opposite of it’s allotted or assigned punishment? Why is there any question at all about how to deal with this situation. If someone is caught speeding they get a ticket. If someone is caught stealing they go to jail. If someone is caught trying to live here illegally they are sent back to their country of origin… is that so complicated? Decisions are made every day and consequences follow. Some decisions have consequences that touch many lives and immigrating illegally is one of those decisions. 
      I feel sorrow because I know that there are members of the LDS church who are in the US as illegal immigrants. I have known and loved them in the past and would not mean to offend them and upset them. Rather I would ask of them to understand what they are doing. They know of the concepts I mentioned earlier. They know that our twelfth Article of faith states that, “We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring and sustaining the law.”  Remaining in the states is a choice and they know the consequences. Making the right choice, the lawful choice is all this boils down to. I stand on the side if making, and sustaining the right and lawful decision. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Repetition is the mother of learning

If repetition is truly the mother of learning, then the human race has learned history well as we seem to repeat it over and over again. Any student of history sees an obvious cyclical recurrence of events. This is not a new concept, but it has spurred me to write a few thoughts.

I have recently started a new study of the Book of Mormon. I wanted to see if I could not create a chart that documented the Nephites' alternations between being righteous and then sliding back into their wicked habits. Several pages are now filled with dates, events and sitings, but there is far more I have found beyond the latter.

1. Pride -
    In simplicity pride is the complete opposite of humility. When the Nephites are humble they are righteous, but when they are prideful they seek out their own desires over the Lord's and sink into the darkness of sin.
    One singular prideful desire is a plague to these beloved people, the pursuit of power. This ugly sin rears it's sick head repeatedly after the Nephites have established a free government and the opportunity to rule draws in those hungry for power like flies to pooh. "Kingmen" arise are the cause of great contentions and bloodshed, but darkest evil arises with the creation of the secret society "The Gadianton Robbers". As I stated earlier, history repeats itself, so it should be natural that we try to not repeat these same problems... shouldn't it? Look at the World around us and what is happening. Examine the problems at hand, do they not reek of pride?

2. Inequality-
    We are all children of our Father in Heaven and as such we are equal sons and daughters of God. When living righteously one will see all those around him or her in equality, as our Father in Heaven sees all his children.
    Satan desperately would have us forget our heritage, our inherited destiny to become Gods. As pride enters a heart and humility is pushed aside, then the equality achieved under our Father in Heaven is forgotten and Satan creates inequality. With the perception that other's are not one's equals the doors of persecution, imposition, suppression, and a host more of sins are allowable.
    The prognosis for such a state of being is simple; it will destroy all who embrace it. The only cure is to turn back to humility and our Father in Heaven. The Nephites' history teaches that it is the "word" that will change a person, not the sword, or any other attempt by man. One person at a time coming to the "word" and embracing it will allow a society as a whole to begin to rid itself of inequality and the darkness that follows. Government regulation and implementation will not and cannot rid society of any type of inequality. It has failed in the past and will fail again if attempted.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Let me explain

I'm sure most people have taken or will take the ACT or some form of college placement test. These are not exactly a walk in the park, and most peopl spend hours, days, and weeks preparing for them. Let me apply some test taking to real life.

I decided to take my ACT just after graduating. I needed to desperately prepare for the math section so I went to the library and started to read. After some undefinably boring hours or maybe minutes, I decided that this stuff seemed as though it should be common sense. Besides I had taken math classes two years ago, and that should be enough to remember what would be on the test.

Forty eight hours after my graduation I was seated in a stone or wooden desk (it was so ugly and hard I couldn't determine what it was constructed of) starting a test I had done very little to prepare for. I suffered through several sections and could only pray I guessed correctly on several more questions than I care to confess. I got lucky and received a decent score if you consider how I'll prepared I'd been. But we can't count on luck... Not in the eternal scheme.

Life is like one giant prep time for the final ACT. We have our whole lives to ready ourselves and then we'll be done. Our test isn't full of multiple choice questions or essays, but an interview or review at the judgment bar. There is not luck there. Ony what we did to prepare. How serious did you take the command to study, to live charitably, to not judge, to serve, did you use the atonement? What if life ended today or the second coming occurred? You, yes whoever you are are that's reading this, have had your entire life up to this moment to study or prepare and now after all this time are you ready to stand before the Lord? Or would you find yourself ill prepared, as I was on the day of my ACT exam?

The lord himself has spoken that only half the church members will be ready!

Law of undulation part 2

I have remembered a story from my life that I thought might be helpful in illustrating the concept of the earlier post.

When I was young I remember getting a nice red bike with training wheels. I was excited for these beautiful new toy and because it meant I was old enough to learn the ways of the big boy bike with training wheels. A highlight, even a peak in my young life. Then reality set in and I had to actually learn how to ride my new bike. For such a young boy the teetering height of the bike with it's two training wheels was scary and frustrating, but in time I was riding all over my neighborhood with my mom and friends.

It didn't seem to be much longer before my dad was suggesting I was even more grown up and the time had come to remove my training wheels and ride like the adults. I was excited to progress and become like everyone older than I, but then the weekend arrived that I was to learn without my training wheels. My dad removed the training wheels and held my bike as I jumped on. It was steady and firm in his grip as I started to peddle forward but suddenly it began to wobble and I panicked. I stepped on my brakes and my father asked what was wrong. I explainedthe bike felt like it would fall and this was too scary and followed with the request to have my training wheels put back on. He comforted me that he would stay by my side and I would learn how to balance my bike without the training wheels, so we tried it again and again with him letting go a little more with each try. Finally he let go completely and I wobbled forward feeling triumphant, until I began to lose control and fell. I as mad my dad let me go and that I fell and now was scrapped and hurt. He came running up as I was again in a low and ready not to continue learning. He urged me on and confirmed he would hold on and wouldn't let go until I was ready. So we began the process again.

In time I learned how to ride my bike without any help and with confidence, but it took my loving father's help and understanding that I needed him to hold and and then to let go so I could learn, even if it was hard, or it hurt when I fell, or even made me scared. This concept of undulation is the highs and lows all people experience just as I did in my process of learning to ride a bike. If we know how our father in heaven uses these times to teach us and draw closer to him, as well as avoid the pitfalls Satan lies before us then we will draw infinitely closer to heaven and our goal of eternal life.

The law of Undulation...?

A favorite book of mine is the Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis. For those who are not acquainted with this book it is a compilation of letters written from an uncle (Screwtape) to a nephew (Wormwood). The uncle is an expert tempting devil and the nephew is a new or rookie tempting devil. Screwtape is giving advice and seemingly responding to letters that Wormwood has written about an individual to which Wormwood is assigned to tempt. 
I enjoy reading any portions or sections of this book as C.S. Lewis clearly lays out paths and methods that are employed to tempt and lead away any individuals (as the character Wormwood is tempting seems to go through many encompassing experiences). In any future reference of the book and it’s applications I will always try to utilize scriptural references and stories so that it can be adequately associated with revelation in the scriptures as it is prevalent, especially in the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants.  
Screwtape writes an entire letter (chapter 8) to his nephew, Wormwood, about the high’s and low’s, “troughs and peaks”, that humans experience. He is attempting to teach Wormwood how our Father in Heaven uses the troughs and peaks and in turn how to tempt a human in both occasions. Screwtape states the obvious, “As long as he (a human) lives on earth periods of emotional and bodily richness and liveliness will alternate with periods of numbness and poverty.” Thus introducing the fact that we as humans go through ups and downs and it is simply an un-avoidable fact. He continues to explain to Wormwood this “law of Undulation, in hope of empowering Wormwood with understanding of how “the enemy” (Our Father in Heaven) wants to make use of the troughs and peaks and how to counteract Our Father in Heaven. Let us learn with Wormwood so we might perceive how our Father in Heaven wants to help us and how Satan would tempt and lead us away.
“He (our Father in Heaven) relies on the troughs even more than on the peaks. The reason is this. He really does want to fill the universe with a lot of loathsome little replicas of himself-creatures whose life, on it’s miniature scale, will be qualitatively like His own, not because he has absorbed them, but because their wills freely conform to His. We (Satan and his followers) want cattle who can finally become food; He wants servants who can finally become sons. We (Satan and his followers) want to suck in, He (our Father in Heaven) wants to give out. We (Satan and his followers) are empty and would be filled; He (our Father in Heaven) is full and flows over. Our war aim is a world in which our Father Below has drawn all other beings into himself: The Enemy (our Father in Heaven) wants a world full of beings united to him, but still Distinct.”
The concepts that Wormwood is explaining are easily found in the scriptures as we read of the war in heaven and the plan that Lucifer presented. We find the ideas revealed furthermore in the book of Moses. God came to Moses and informed Moses that he had a plan for him and then showed him the world. After which he withdrew from Moses, “that his glory was not upon Moses.” Moses 1:9 Then Satan comes to tempt Moses after the glory of God has withdrawn. Moses tells Satan to leave. Moses is standing on the foundation of his testimony he gained from a great “peak”, which allows him strength to endure a tremendous trough as Satan himself openly approaches, tempts and attacks Moses. I find it beautiful that Moses casts Satan away and the Lord returns to reveal to Moses that “This is my work and my glory-to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” Moses 1:39. This scriptural story reinforces what was just said and what is about to be said in the letter of Screwtape concerning God’s plan for us and how we can grow into great men and women of God through undulation.
“He (our Father in Heaven) leaves the creature to stand up on it’s own legs-to carry out from the will alone duties which have lost all relish. It is during such trough periods, much more than during the peak periods, that it (a human) is growing into the sort of creature He (our Father in Heaven) wants it to be. Hence the prayers offered in the state of dryness are those which please him best. He cannot ‘tempt’ to virtue as we do to vice. He wants them to learn to walk and must therefore take away His hand; and if only the will to walk is really there He is pleased even with their stumbles. Our (Satan and his followers) cause is never more in danger than when a human, no longer desiring, but still intending, to do our Enemy’s (Father in Heaven’s) will, looks round upon a universe from which every trace of Him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys.”
Correlations abound in scripture beyond the beautiful story of Moses seeing our Lord on the mount. Nephi tells us “My God hath been my support; he has led me through mine afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep. He hath filed me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh.” Joseph Smith cried from Liberty jail “O God, where art thou? And where is the pavilion that covereth thy hiding place?” Our Savior so lovingly returned words of comfort to Joseph Smith, and each of us, in saying “know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good. Therefore, fear not what man can do, for God shall be with you forever and ever.” D&C 122:7,9
These highs and lows, troughs and peaks, are part of the plan of salvation. It is plain that we develop in our lows as much as our highs (if not more so). That Satan is there-always, to deceive, tempt, induce doubt and fear, or otherwise drag us to his hell. While our Father in Heaven is so lovingly helping us grow and learn through experience so we can one day return to him and become as he is. Our Father may let go of our hand to let us walk, stumble and even get up again, but he is there watching over us, always ready to encourage us on and even hold our hand to help us on our way. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Did you know...

History… stories… opinions… History is merely stories. Events recorded by individuals. These individuals witnessed what was happening around them to the best of their ability and formulated their thoughts or opinions. This leads full circle to what we know as documented history. We have all seen the examples in our lives but let me refresh us.
Colonizers came from their mother country to establish a new land. After some time these colonizers became unhappy. From here we have diverging stories. The mother country begins to see unruly citizens that are causing direst and trouble. They enact laws and statutes to try and bring the situation under control. These citizens only become more unhappy and eventually revolt leading to war. On the other hand the citizens would tell you of unjust ruling, unfair democracy and justified revolt to obtain their deserved rights and freedoms. Two sides feeling justified, but who was right…
A man takes power by public vote in a country. He see’s the negative effects of the modern economic system and wants change. There are rich people and poor people and this seems unjust, so he cries for social justice. A solution of everyone getting an equal share. So he takes action. Other’s see a system of greed and wealth that is not perfect, but has been a greater success than any other system in history to date. They don’t want to change to a system that has been tried and failed, but want to make the best of their current system of freedom. Who is right in this story.
Life is full of history, stories and opinions. Every story has two sides and each side will claim it’s stance as correct. Sometimes you get both stories and sometimes you just get the survivors side of the story. As you come across your own stories you will have to decipher right and wrong. One can count on hard decisions because life deals hard situations. I plea we make the right decisions in our personal lives and and in the path of our nations. 
I have faith we can observe and make the right choices because we have in the past. A time ago we were all together and were faced with one of the greatest decisions in our history. Our Father wanted us to progress further and become like him. We needed to gain mortal bodies and prove we could abide the laws of our Father’s home and be like our Father. Two plans were presented by two of our brothers. 
Our eldest brother wanted to give us freedom to chose our actions when we gained bodies. This would require him to sacrifice his life to allow us the opportunity to overcome our wrongs and make our return. 
The other brother offered to give us no choice but guarantee our return to our Father, it required no sacrifice on his part or ours. Since our Father loved us he gave us the choice to follow who we wanted, but he let us know that our eldest brother’s plan was correct and would be the plan he would use. 
A great war of sorts followed in which all our Father’s children (our family) worked towards our personal decision on which plan to stand behind. Ultimately one third of our brothers and sisters chose the plan offering no choice and going against the will of our Father. They are not here today, but we are because we chose the right plan. 
What choices are you making now? You made the right one and came here, but are you sticking to that decision?